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How to do for "Please update SystemProgram first!" prompt?

Solution for "Please update SystemProgram first!" prompt on Autel diagnostic scanners
Problem: My Autel Maxisys Elite II kept prompting "Please update SystemProgram first!" when I was trying to update vehicle software. What's the matter? Please help.

Please follow below order, this will work for most Autel Automotive Diagnostic System scanners.
Step1. Upgrade "OS" app in Update;
Step2. Upgrade "System program" app in Update;
Step3. Upgrade "Libcomms" app in Update;
Step4. Upgrade vehicle software.

  1. Please noted to upgrade all above program in order.
  2. If do not have "OS" app, start from "System program".
  3. Please complete step1-3, then start step4. Otherwise, the prompt may come up again.